Author name: Life Saylor

How can affirmation be used? What is it?

Affirmations are positive statements that are intended to counteract unfavorable or self-defeating ideas. Affirmations are often used in the context of personal development and self-improvement as a means of reorienting one’s thoughts and ideas. Affirmations can be used to break negative thought patterns or self-doubt, such as “I release my fears and trust in my […]

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Are There Any Scientific Foundations for Positive Daily Affirmations?

Self-help books often extol the benefits of using daily affirmations for good. Almost everyone in the twenty-first century, including you and I, has heard of them. Yet, if you’ve never tried them, the concept could sound exceedingly strange. It may seem strange to tell yourself how great you are, but if that’s all you do,

Are There Any Scientific Foundations for Positive Daily Affirmations? Read More »

How to Use Affirmations Successfully in Your Life

How do affirmations work? Affirmations are simple to use and have a lot of power. You start believing in the concepts when you start to construct thoughts and repeatedly say similar things. While many individuals unknowingly utilize affirmations negatively, they may also be beneficial. For instance, if you continuously tell your mind, “I am confident,”

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Three Repulsive Behaviors That Instantly Strengthen Your Mind

Numerous articles have been written about routines like cold showers, running, martial arts, etc. that promote mental toughness. Those articles are excellent. However, the focus of this article is on meta habits, which are universally applicable. I’m hoping that these habits will change the way you approach life. I’ve always tried to comprehend how my

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