You know that sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach after a terrible thing happens? Perhaps it was even the possibility that something terrible might occur. You suddenly feel as though a lead weight has been dropped in your stomach, and the room is closing in around you.
You are in a downward spiral as a result of your anxiety.
Spiraling like this frequently occurs when you are constantly plagued by intrusive ideas that add some color to your nightmares. A slide show of unlikely worst-case scenarios that might not seem like they could happen right now. Your mind might start to accept the idea that these terrible things are more likely to happen than not.
How then do you regain your balance when this occurs? How do you find shelter from the barrage of negativity? The good news is that there is always a solution. Affirmations can be powerful tools for changing your mindset and cleanse the negativity. With time, repetition, and, most importantly, the belief to back up what you’re telling yourself, you will be able to use these affirmations to change your mindset to fight the spiral.
1. My thoughts are not fact.
When the intrusive thoughts start pouring in, it is important to note that what your brain is telling you, is, in fact, not true. The world is not going to end, you are not a terrible person, you will be fine regardless of the outcome of what worries you. Contradicting your intrusive thoughts and reminding yourself of what is true, deprives intrusive thoughts of their power.
2. Feelings are just visitors.
When you’re in a dark place, it can be so easy to forget what it’s like to feel ok and wonder if you’ll ever feel that way again. But the thing about emotions is that they come and go. There is always a page to be turned, a light in the dark. Believing that no feeling is permanent is the first step to making the weight on your shoulders feel a little bit lighter.
3. I am doing my best and that is enough.
Doing the simplest tasks can be truly taxing when you’re having a rough time. To anyone who may not understand what you’re dealing with, it may look to them like you’re shirking your responsibilities. But the reality is that you simply don’t have the energy for your daily goings on. Regardless of what you feel like you have to do, the important thing is to remember that you are doing all you can. Making rest a priority is ok. Keeping yourself going is enough.
4. I let go of the expectations of others.
The previous affirmation goes quite nicely with this one. Life can feel so overwhelming sometimes with work, social lives, health, family, work… It can be a lot to handle at times. There is only so much you can do that you have to let some other responsibilities slide. And that is ok. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Taking care of yourself just has to come first sometimes.
5. I release the need to control my situation.
The worst thing you can do is feel the need to be in constant control of everything around you. There is only so much you can do and change, that at some point, you have to release the control you hold so tightly. Life goes a lot more smoothly when you allow it to flow rather than put up barriers to hold back things that aren’t favorable to you. Let what happens happen, and let it pass like an ocean wave. Release control and ride that wave.
Write these affirmations down in a journal, your phone, sticky notes to place everywhere, and repeat them over and over. Let these affirmations, or any others that resonate with you, play on a loop until thinking them becomes second nature. Live your life knowing that you have tools to help you out of a spiral, and place your feet back on the ground.