Affirmations to Help You Experience Your Emotions

Feeling your emotions is important, but sometimes it doesn’t feel nice. It isn’t always simple. But, you will be better able to recognize and address your needs the more attuned you get to how you’re feeling. It requires a great deal of respect and self-awareness.

It’s a practice, and it may pay off.

Taking care of yourself and your needs is the finest present you can give and receive, according to Lisa Olivera, a talented writer and the therapist I follow online.

Oh. My. Yes.

It doesn’t simply enhance your personal quality of life when you take charge of how you feel and how you deal with those emotions; it also positively impacts others around you.

Not an island, you. You are a person.

And because you are a person, you will have emotions. There are instances when many things happen simultaneously. You’re not alone either since a lot of us often feel like a mess. Everyone has “off” days. All of us are human.

Reminding yourself that it’s alright to feel this way will help you go through your difficult emotions rather than avoid them.

It’s OK to feel unbalanced. You don’t have to downplay, condemn, or apologize for your emotions, and you don’t have to act as if everything is OK when it’s not.

Something that you believe have a purpose.

The most important thing is to be conscious, to embrace your emotional condition rather than run from it.

Affirmations require you to be present in the moment and compel you to confront your current circumstance with awareness, purpose, and ideally a deep breath. This is why they are such effective tools for working with your unpleasant and recurrent emotions.

Each of these statements is a “I am” declaration of what is true or feasible for you and functions as a kind of “note to self” for you. It’s a nod to reality, a means to give your feelings some credence, and a sign of transformation.

Simple affirmations work best for me since they’re quick to recall and to the point whether I’m angry or going through a depressive episode. I’m presenting it to you here. Use language that seems correct for you to locate the statements that resonate with you.

Check out my new encouragement cards or my hand-lettered affirmation art prints for more!

You’ll get some insightful knowledge if you give yourself a time to sit with your emotions, comprehend where they’re coming from, and determine what you need. The next time you feel this way, you’ll be better equipped to understand and support yourself.

Take a deep breath the next time you’re experiencing a negative emotion. Affirmations that respect your feelings might be spoken aloud or to oneself. Just for now, allow yourself to be where you are.

only for the time being.

Keep in mind that emotions have a purpose and will move if you respect them and yourself.

Affirmations to Help You Feel Your Emotions and Move Ahead

  • I have the right to feel this way.
  • What I feel doesn’t determine who I am. I don’t let this event rule me. My whole day doesn’t have to be dictated by this sensation.
  • What I received or did not get does not determine who I am. I have a voice in what occurs today, regardless of what occurred then.
  • I can put up with the pain of being human. I can get past this by breathing.
  • The understanding of what I need today is the best present I can offer or receive. The inner work I undertake has a direct impact on others around me as well.
  • For someone to love me, I don’t need to be cured. I am still complete even if I feel broken. I may be wounded and yet have hope. I’m a little bit of everything, therefore it makes sense that I sometimes feel a lot.
  • It’s alright that I’m not OK right now. Here, the light is still on. I can learn from this. A other idea that feels a bit better is available to me. This isn’t how I’ll always feel.
  • I am ok even though I feel like way. Even if I feel this way, I am deserving of respect and affection.
  • What does this emotion want me to see?
  • I don’t have to make a modification now. I don’t need immediate relief. All I have to do is listen. I have faith that this emotion will pass through me when it is ready. I have faith in my ability to listen to it. I have faith in my ability to draw the lessons I need from it.
  • I have full control over the color scheme of my emotional sky. I own my emotions so they don’t own me (here is the art print).

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