
Why You Should Write Affirmations Every Day and Why I Do

If you always think negatively or have a dream the size of the Indian Ocean but have no clue how to make it come true. This straightforward daily routine might bring about the improvements you’ve always desired but lacked the knowledge to achieve.

Since around six months ago, I have started writing daily affirmations. I began this in a dejected state since I had been in a rut for who knows how long and had no clue how to fulfill my aspirations. I wanted to accomplish things and have freedoms, but my way of living at the time was hindering me rather than helping.

So I began reading blogs—you know the ones—like any other self-respecting millennial would. As the self-help books started to appear, I cringed at the checkout because they were all talking about writing daily affirmations.

It cannot be that easy, can it?

I got going. Despite my reservations, I took the advise. I took my time crafting and delivering these straightforward phrases. I eventually even started to believe them.

Whether or whether they are real, we have a tendency to believe the things we tell ourselves. Reality is always kinder than the fiction we create about it, as Byron Katie writes in her really mind-blowing book Loving What Is. If we tell ourselves that we aren’t good enough at something—pick your own—we will believe it and act accordingly.

I started to believe the positive things I wanted to be true above the unfavorable ones by setting aside time each day to write and speak them. After all, we wouldn’t dare talk to anybody else the way we speak to ourselves. So who wouldn’t want to be kind to themselves? Let’s thus rewire this mode of thinking.

I check in with myself while I compose these affirmations. Every day, I have to connect with my worst fantasies and anxieties. I am constantly aware of my position. I determine if my affirmations need to be changed, removed, or replaced.

Every every day, I attempt to rewire my brain to have this upbeat, optimistic view. After six months, it has begun to pay off.

So, when anything bad happens to me, my first reaction isn’t, “Oh well, I quit,” but rather, “What can I do differently next time?” or “How can I learn?” My brain has learned to see everything as working in my favor rather than seeing the world, the cosmos, and everyone in it as being against me.

It brings me to my next point, so bear with me. Together with all the conscious effort I put into achieving, I also tell the world what I want by writing and saying my affirmations every day (I cannot emphasize this enough). Moreover, the cosmos is more likely to grant your wishes if it is aware of them.

One of my affirmations, for instance, is that I will stop putting myself down and stop talking badly about myself.

I would constantly convince myself why I couldn’t do anything, and as a result, I never did. I did not advertise myself, post anything, or seek any new clients. Yet after speaking and writing about it every day for a month, I no longer suppress my feelings. I put myself out there, published something, and sought out and acquired new customers.

It’s fortunate for you because developing an affirmation habit is rather easy if you want to start taking steps toward your goals and get rid of your mental image of worthlessness.

Purchase a fancy notebook for yourself. I say fancy because you should appreciate the words you write in it, and if you spend money on a Moleskine for yourself, you will cherish those words without a doubt.

Write your affirmations down by hand. As you write anything down by hand, your intellectual comprehension of it grows. This implies that, in contrast to typing, speaking requires more mental effort on your part.

Make the time; you may write your affirmations anytime you choose; I write mine in the morning. To develop that habit, just make sure you do it consistently at the same time every day.

Don’t merely search for affirmations online since you’ll be overwhelmed with them; instead, choose the ones that are perfect for you. What will they mean to you? You must choose the appropriate language and tone to communicate what you desire. Even the most intelligent Google search won’t be able to do it. Make sure the phrases evoke deep-seated feelings. They won’t have the same impact if they don’t resonate.

I write each of my affirmations three times before repeating them; before, I used to write them 10 times. Simply don’t finish writing it after one draft. You must repeat them for them to take hold and transform into your new reality for the universe and yourself to be aware that you are not playing around.

Say your new truth—I’m not asking you to scream it from the rooftops, unless you want to—but you must read each out loud and loud enough for another person to hear you in order for the universe to hear you.

You can’t anticipate results right away with this self-help (I no longer flinch) method, as with any other. It takes hard and practice to do this. In your affirmation, you must discover your voice. You’ll need to dedicate time to writing and establish a new habit. You’ll eventually get over talking to yourself every day, or the universe, as well as some fairly severe hand cramp. But if you can persevere, believe me, the effects may be really powerful.

What then is still preventing you? Do you not still stand in the path of your future? If so, I may know exactly the assurance you need:

I no longer obstruct my own development.

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