
What and How to Utilize Affirmations

We need to be aware that we are able to formulate and practice affirmations that help us advance as well as affirmations that are more detrimental than beneficial. We must look at the various ways we employ affirmations in order to use them skillfully.

How We Talk to Ourselves

Some affirmations are statements we make about ourselves that are meant to attract positive things into our lives. These include declarations like “I am wealthy, wise, and in good health.”

Such a statement has the advantage of shifting our attention away from unpleasant emotions and toward promising possibilities. It might assist us in putting an end to the depressive-inducing beliefs that we are sick, uneducated, and poor.

However, the key word here is “possibilities.” We want to embody the positive aspects of this affirmation. However, it is problematic to claim that we ARE these things right now. Except when it’s a part of a statement about self-acceptance, the “I AM” part can be dangerous (eg, I am enough).

When we use the wrong kinds of affirmations, we end up questioning our self-talk and reality-testing. Repeating untrue or no longer true statements quickly loses its ability to advance our cause. Affirmations like “I am calm,” “I am a good communicator,” and “I have boundless confidence, beauty, and intelligence” all pose similar problems.

We benefit more from elevating the possibilities that are within our power to reach than what is beyond our grasp in the present. “I can become healthier, wealthier, and wiser” would be a message of hopefulness that is better designed to sustain our motivation moving forward.

Many Affirmation Rules

– Express possibilities.

Whereas “I am healthy” conveys a static state (which doesn’t relate well to our health) and may not be accurate, “I can grow healthier” suggests a trajectory.

– Privilege declarations of one’s own acceptance.

It’s probable that saying “I am enough” will make you feel better about yourself. A statement like “I am more than my actions” might help us develop self-compassion.

– Switch gears from a negative to a positive.

We often use positive language while making affirmations, which is a beneficial shift away from depressive and anxious-inspiring thinking. It is advisable to avoid adding a negative component, such as “I can cease failing in relationships,” since it takes away from the message’s overall positive message.

— Use appropriate attributions.

In this complicated environment, we have far more influence over our actions than we have over the results. Statements that manage to include “I CAN…” or “I WILL…” tend to prioritize the value of efforts above results and are more realistic.

– Refrain from making false remarks.

Also, avoid absolutes since they are seldom accurate. Extreme thinking is risky because it always results in the tyranny of opposites. We run the risk of being perfectly ill or fully sad if we say something like, “I am perfectly healthy (or completely happy)”. Usually, it’s best to choose healthier and happier as our affirmations. Something that is “perfect” is unlikely to be true.

The End

We are aware of the influence of our self talk. We are aware that our self-talk has consequences.

We must carefully pick our phrases in order to employ affirmations in ways that will benefit us. A strong instrument for bringing about good change, skillful self-talk may also be a detrimental example of how we brainwash ourselves.

Some people think that the boundaries of our world are the boundaries of our language. In very significant ways, language affects our thinking, and our thinking affects both our actions and our emotions. As we grow more adept at coming up with affirmations, we can better shape our lives.

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