Three Repulsive Behaviors That Instantly Strengthen Your Mind

Numerous articles have been written about routines like cold showers, running, martial arts, etc. that promote mental toughness.

Those articles are excellent. However, the focus of this article is on meta habits, which are universally applicable. I’m hoping that these habits will change the way you approach life.

I’ve always tried to comprehend how my brain functions. I’m attempting to comprehend why some people exhibit exceptional grit and succeed in life, while others struggle to amass even smaller victories. The difference comes from one’s way of thinking. It has to do with a person’s level of mental toughness.

I believe that a person with great mental fortitude is happier. When our minds falter, we suffer. Our brains are not strong enough to be productive.

Because they had extraordinary mental toughness, people like Will Smith, Kobe Bryant, and Michael Jordan were able to accomplish incredible things.

I’m trying to develop a lot of mental strength because of this. These three habits have proven to be the most beneficial to me throughout my journey. You’ll quickly develop mental toughness if you put them into practice in your life.

1. Overshoot

I’m now engaged in three tasks: studying, exercising, and writing. And I set daily goals for each of them, including the following:

Studying: 20 pages of the book First Aid with 40 questions.

1000 words of writing

6 circuits around the adjacent park with a strength training session

But I make it a point to overshoot in at least one of them each day. I may run eight laps instead of six, or I could write 1500 words as opposed to only 1000. I may read 25 pages of material and answer 60 questions. No matter what it is. I always go above and above what is required of me, at least for one of my assignments, each day.

We should do less, our minds keep telling us. And up to this point, I would give in quite easily. I became aware of my mental fragility. As my behaviors didn’t match my goals, I began attempting to learn how to develop mental fortitude.

And that was quite easy. I chose to do more because even though my brain was always urging me to do less. I began to overshoot. What it accomplished for me was to free me from the brain’s complacency. Since I began this exercise, my mental toughness has increased.

I make an effort to avoid overshooting the same job again in a succession. I constantly attempt to vary it. And the fact that I record it in my notebook each day is what holds me liable for consistently overshooting.

For you to exceed your daily goals, you must have clear objectives. Overshoot in various areas of the same project if you are not juggling several projects. Yet you keep going over.

Our minds prompt us to pause before we should. When you overshoot, you’re informing your brain that you’re in charge and not a servant. Your thinking is entirely within your control.

2. Shake things up

In 2018, my brother asked me if I was interested in enrolling in the Vipassana beginner course. I enthusiastically replied “yes.” I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

You should know that it is a 10-day meditation course. You are only permitted to carry clothing; you cannot bring any other items, such as phones, books, or anything edible. More than 10 hours of meditation are required each day, in addition to eating less food than usual and, worst of all, speaking with no one else at all.

It was one of those incidents that leaves you reeling. And boy, do they strengthen your mind. Not to worry. I don’t advise you to try Vipassana. But you should give it a shot at least once. However, the point is to try things that are completely foreign to you.

To shock your system is the plan.

The majority of people find it difficult to deal with change. It is extremely uncomfortable to do something as simple as changing your default browser. Additionally, your mind is put under stress when you voluntarily invite significant changes in your life, whether they be short-term or long-term. If stress doesn’t kill you, it at least makes you stronger. Right?

Here are some concepts to shock you:

For ten days straight, get up at 4 am.

Give up technology for a week. (I completed this a while back. That, however, is a tale for another day.)

During the course of three days, only consume one meal each day. You won’t pass away. I swear. You can benefit from fasting.

Even if you’re not much of a runner, go for a lengthy run.

None of these are required of you. Do something crazy and imaginative. Step away from the familiar and comfortable. Allow it to jolt you. Remember, you need to shock your system, not simply gently irritate it.

And your mind will be more resilient after the conclusion of the deed. I constantly include these types of events into my life in order to strengthen my mental capacity and increase my ability to adapt to new situations and circumstances.

3. postponing gratification

One of the sexiest skills in the mental armory is postponing pleasure. And I use it everywhere as a generic tool. The goal is to refrain from indulging in any pleasures that are on offer to you right now.

Say “no” if someone gives you a cookie.

When a buddy invites you to hang out when you’re supposed to be working, decline.

When Netflix notifies you of a new movie, reject it.

You can certainly complete them. One of my vices is devouring cookies. One of life’s most fantastic blessings is spending time with close friends. Nothing makes me happier than watching a wonderful movie.

I don’t, however, eat them anytime they are offered to me. I plan these joys instead. I only consume sweets on Sundays. On other days, I exercise and eat healthfully. On Sundays, I get out with my buddies. I write and study on other days. On Saturday nights, you can usually find me curled up on my sofa, enjoying some tomato popcorn as I watch a nice movie.

And because I already have the same activities arranged for later, it’s simple for me to say “no” to all of those things at that time. It is crucial. Although delaying satisfaction is necessary, it should not be denied.

A happy life is a result of a strong intellect. If you wish to live and prosper in this evil world, it’s imperative that you build your mental fortitude. How do you go about that? via creating improved meta-habits.

Overshoot: Make an effort to complete at least one of your tasks each day in excess of your daily goal. It eliminates the behavior of giving up before you should.

Do activities that are completely foreign to you on a regular basis to shock your system. Being uncomfortable on a regular basis makes you more effective when life throws you curveballs.

Recognize that your inability to attain your objectives is only due to your need for quick fulfillment. Never give in to their demands. Instead, plan your joys for the future and refrain from indulging now.

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